From: Sikh Raj [],
Mon, 12 Jan 1998 11:58:29 EST,,
Subject: Establishment of WSO
Organization: AOL (

Dear Sukhbir Singh Ji:
Wahe Guru ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh.
You have given remark under the picture of Didar Singh Bains, person to establish World Sikh Organization. True story of establishing W.S.O. When golden temple was attacked in June 1984, we (Tri State New Jersey, New York and Connecticut Sikhs) went to United Nation very next day to do the protest and give the memorandum on behalf of All the sikhs in world. United nation representative said that we are the sikhs from America and Sikhs should have the International Body to represent the Sikhs and very same day sikhs started thinking about World sikh Organization.

Now head of the World Sikh Organization people were not present on the day of our protest. S. Amarjeet Singh Ahluwalia from New York taken special interest and taken off the leave of absence to establish World Sikh Organisation. At the time only Gurdwara, who gave the full support and financial help was Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Inc. Glen Rock, New Jersey. There were several other Gurudwara big and small did not take any interest in the Establishment of W.S.O. Finally when thousands of people shown up in first biggest gathering of Sikh in Madison Square Garden Hall in NEW YORK, all the other Sikh Leader came out from their caves and they (including Didar Singh Bains) Hijack the World Sikh Organiztion from New York to California. These are the opportunist peoples, who will do any thing for their advantage, including selling their character and other belonging ? We have same type character some people now in our Tri State area. Ask to Didar Singh, what was his contribution for establishing World Sikh Organization and now definately, he has  alot of contribution for destroying the World Sikh Organization.
Charan Singh Kalsi

From: "Ranbir S. Bhalla" []
Subject:Traitor Bains
Date:Sun, 1 Feb 1998 02:50:26 -0500

Didar Singh Bains will go down in history as a weak-willed traitor to the Sikh nation. It is a shame that Sikhs like him have lost their once fervent resolve for independance just because minor obstacles have come upon the path to freedom. At least he has done us a favor by exposing his true character. All Sikhs in America should boycott Didar Singh Bains and his politics.

Khalistan Zindabad,
Amardeep Singh Bhalla

From: JAGRUP []
Date: Thu, 1 Jan 1998 05:06:06 EST
Subject: Didar Singh Bains,
Organization: AOL (

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I agree with your comments over Didar Singh's character that he is a big traitor of khalsa panth. He was a multi-millionare that's why he was excused from all those sins, and was allowed back in the country as a guest of Pb. Govt. by those big traitors of Khalsa Panth.

Jagrup Singh.

From: Ranjt9 [],
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 12:23:27 EST, To:,
Subject: Didar Singh Bains (Trator, Brainless, Shameless or some thing else),
Organization: AOL (

Dear Sukhbir Singh:
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

We were proud, when he (Didar Singh Bains) joined the Sikh movement and World Sikh Organization after attack on the Golden Temple and other Gurdwara's. Sikh's of United States should not allow him to speak in any Gurdwara or Public gathering. He brought the shame to whole sikh communities in United States. People in past in the New York City invited him in Sikh Day Parade Marshal? I will ask the very same people, who invited him to condemn this brainless Didar
Singh Bains. I do remember, one time conversation about him, when he was present, some one said Didar Singh Bains do not have the manner to talk. Other person responded that he has the money and some other person said that he should buy some brain. What is the Stand of the Canada Sikh (WSO) and other WSO supporter. I know they will be still intrested to support Trator Didar Singh
Bains. Still I will pray to Wahe Guru should bless him with some brain so he can make better judgement.
Charan Singh Kalsi
From:"Awatar S. Sekhon" []
Date: Thu, 1 Jan 1998 13:08:31 -0700

Sardar Sukhbir Singh Osan
c/o Bruning-Punjab News Bureau

RE: Comments on Didar Singh Bains' Visit (Pheri) To Punjab (WITHOUT PREJUDICE)

The Sikh leadership has to learn a lot and take good lesson from the history. The present leadership whether in Punjab (under the occupation of the Hindu Samraj, the so-called largest democracy of the world), Khalistan, or outside Khalistan is naive, unethical and under the control of Jathedars. At the same time, please do not have your hopes high from businessmen, pseudo-politicians or opportunists. The North American Sikh leadership, with the exception of Dr Gurmit Singh Aulakh and his associates, is totally hopeless. It will not serve the purpose of Khalsa Panth. The Almighty Lord, Waheguru ji, will lead His Khalsa Panth and will show us the path to our lost Sovereignty - The Sovereignty of the Khalsa Raj, Khalistan. As the matter of fact, everyday which passes by brings closer to our

The visit and comments of Didar Singh Bains have no meaning. Mr Bains has brought his own down fall as far as the Khalsa Panth is concerned. My dears, members of the Khalsa Panth, please do not waiste your energies in Didar Singh Bains and his movement. Work to Regain the Lost Sovereignty of Khalistan. Hindus were neither a culture nor a nation (see Dr J. S.Sarna, Sant Sipahi November 1997, p. 30-31). The Sikhs had been sovereign and will be sovereign. Thank to our elected members who did not sign/endorse the Indian constitution of 26th January, 1950. None will dare to accept it. Best wishes to all my brothers and sisters of the KHALSA PANTH, non-Hindu and Hindu friends. Let me make it clear that none is my enemy, except those whose profession is persecution, torture, rape,
fake-encounters, delibrately killing.

The colonial India has killed to date 250,000 Sikhs (since June 1984) and there are more than 70,000 Sikhs are behind bars in Hindu India.

I do not think that Didar Singh Bains, his cronies, or even those sitting/residing in the bunglows in Chandigarh, with a few wxceptions, will dare to raise their voice. Still, someone (?) lead the Sikh nation.


Best regards.
Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki), Ph. D., FIBA, RM (CCM)
Associate Professor (Retired), Med Microbiol & Immunol
Director (Former), National Centre for Human Mycotic Diseases Canada

From: []
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 12:54:08 -0800
Subject:Good job!

Gurfateh Bhai Sahib Ji,

You have done an excellent job of highlighting the problems that are facing the Sikh nation. Your article regarding Didar Bains cleaverly points out the unprincipled nature of this "leader". Please, feel assured that the young people are not fooled who live in the USA, Canada, UK, Malaysia & S'pore. We have a network of young professionals who have dedicated ourselves in the service of the Sikh nation.

Didar Bains does not have any following in the USA. He runs his own fiefdom in Yuba City and some people there support him due to croynism. I am surprised how much publicity that Didar Bains has garnered. He is not a leader and never will be. He definitely is not the richest NRI or even Sikh in the US. He might be able to fool the village folks back in India but not here. May Guru Ji bless you with his grace, in the service of the Khalsa Panth.

In Khalsa
Jespal Singh 

 Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 12:28:34 -0800
From: secret[as wanted by the sender]
Subject: Int. with S. Didar Singh Bains

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Bhai Sukhbir Singh Osan Ji,

Although I have read your reports in various newspapers in the past, today is the first time I had the chance to see your web page. It looks real good.

I also enjoyed your interview with S. Didar Singh Bains. I am really shocked to hear statements of this sort from a person like S. Bains who has done so much for the Sikh struggle in the past and is now making such irresponsible statements. I must give him the benefit of the doubt, considering the time and place where he is now. He is known for not being very careful with the media. He does not know that a minor slip of tongue can mean a disaster in the media.

Although he has refuted the news reports that he has backed down on his stand on Khalistan, yet I would like to see and hear some clear statement about it. Chances are when he comes back here, he will say that he is even more Khalistani now than ever before.

Gur Fateh
Singh.{Kept Secret}
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 18:54:59 EST
Subject:Comment on Bains and his generation

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa   Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!

I am Fred H. Haering, the former international spokesperson for the SAD (Amritsar).  As you may or may not know, I spent sufficient time (about 4 years intensively ) both in gaining an understanding of Sikh homeland politics and of Sikh history and culture coupled with its dangerouslydivided religious tenets.  During the course of my international work and acting on behalf of Sardar Simranjit Singh (Mann) & associates, I had occasion to meet with Sardar (Bains).  I am not as critical of Bains and his creed as the younger generation who endured the tumultous years and wish to sustain the reform movement.

Didar Singh Bains and several of his contemporaries, in my estimation are part of a culture--a huge culture of Sikhs who are confused in their understanding of the Sikh identity and purpose.  But Didar Singh Bains unlike many other Sikhs, cannot be entirely condemned for his misdeeds.  He has many positive and noble deeds to his credit in helping the Sikhs world-wide. It serves no interest and benefit to the Sikh nation to continue strong words.  However, it is pertinent and important, as your interview suggests, to show the younger Sikh generation how the older generation lives a very layered and indirect life.  Not everyone can be a "militant", e.g. to speak their mind and to conduct their life on the basis of "clear and moral principles".

Mann and his cadre, also not always clear in their expression and still living under the nose and gun of Hindustan, sometimes show lack of spiritual commitment, courage and clarity.  It is probably true that Mann has shown little concern for his life in earlier years when confronting the Indian State.  He has at times rallied plenty of followers simply on the basis of his strongly and accurately-worded remarks of State sponsored mistreatment and repression of Sikhs.

Quietly, Kuldeep Singh Wadala has candidly admitted that he doesn't wish to copy Mann's political approach as it simply has led to the State squashing him.  It would have been ideal if the entire Sikh nation would have stood in solidarity of Sikh nationalism.  But Sikhs, realistically speaking, have little history of being a Sangat or a Quom.  Infighting and tribal pettiness seem to have sabotaged higher forms of civil structure that should have evolved by simply adhering strongly to teachings of the 10 Guru Masters, the Sri Guru Granth Sahib and other contributors of Sikh faith.

In my estimation, it is indeed important that the younger generation understand and define what Dograism is or to understand that most Sikhs world-wide have acceded to assimilation by whichever nation hosts them. "Collaboration" has replaced the single-mindedness of a genuine "Sant-Sapahi".

Sikhs learnt behaviour under British rule how to do well by the British, but in the process gave up their SOVEREIGNTY--their freedom. Today, their souls are too frequently up for sale.

As we have seen, those who have joined the small group of Sikhs who confront
Hindustan do not enjoy benefits of Hindustan--even visitation rights! Interpreters (Granthis) of the Guru Granth Sahib continue to come out from Hindustan to raise consciousness of the youth, but too often the message must more emphasise the "Sant" component of "Sant-Sapahi".  This is also the Hindu message:  to be more spiritual and passive rather than practise a Sikh life that is both spiritually strong and physically demonstrative of political/religious/spiritual belief.  "Activisim" has been a weakness of the Sikh community unless some form of material or political
benefit can be derived from such activism.  There are plenty of people who have given money to helping the "Sikhs, but few "competent Sikhs" have been involved in the process of reform that the community so desperately has needed over these last several years.

Didar Singh Bains is confident that he more fully understands the world at large than Simranjit Singh Mann, Parkash Singh Badal, Gurcharan Singh Tohra and the others.  he has supported most Sikhs who have asked him for money, thus it  remains unclear what his real political convictions are.  I know that he gives support to most persons as this allows him the opportunity to remain in contact with them.  Lobbying requires this.  If we cut ourselves off from those who still hold the reins of power and prevent REFORMS from being introduced, then we have little hope of saving the Sikhs of Panjab or even the Sikhs in general.

"INFILTRATION", then SABOTAGE or SELF-ASSERTION is often expressed as method of changing the system.  As a white man who has endured life and socio-
political systems in several western countries, history has shown few white men politicians who ventured into reforming the system who have found themselves at the end of the political gauntlet still possessed with the same intent.  Most politicians and public figures have to make too many sacrafices or concessions in order to gain much progress in introducing their new grand or reforming ideas.  Sardar Bains is simply another public figure in the Sikh nation who I believe may understand to some degree what is needed to reform the Sikhs.  His actions, however, seem to give us a clouded idea which area of reform requires priority.  In my understanding of the Sikhs their history and culture, it remains a problem that they need to restructure meetings and means of working towards prioritised plans.  Moreover, more accountability needs to be put into place for translating the days of conversation into effective deeds.  Unfortunately, we may all see the end of REFORMS before people fully understand that it is the way in which Sikhs meet and work together which is their downfall as a people and a nation.

Siks have not enjoyed residence in a democratic and secular Hindustan.  I doubt that they ever shall.  It is up to them to create "democratic ways of working together", a creation of plans and goals and small teams of people who actually "get things done".  You can criticise Didar Singh Bains for many wrong-deeds in order to portray how a more clear-thinking and behaving Sikh should be.  But let us not forget that Bains generation and many before him are a product of Sikh social systems that moved heavily away from correct and clear-thinking/behaving Sikhism.  His positive contributions to the community are many.  These positive contributions continue to help the community today.

Inside Hindustan, it has been incredibly difficult to institute REFORMS without being sabotaged.  We all know this.  I continue to believe that the remaining REFORMERS should rigorously question and place their so-called "leaders" in public forums and clearly question them on the basis of their plans and actions in helping bring about pre-established  community priorities and needs.

People who have heard my views on political changes required, know that
Gurdwara reform is a number one priority for the community.  Statistically and
factually, the SGPC is the breeding ground for the older generations' mis-
judgments and misdeeds.  The Gurdwara Management Committees we see all over the world that continue to struggle do so as they haven't gone through "REAL
CHANGE or "REFORM".  Most Sikh activists have come up through the Hindustan
SGPC.  Fewer have come up through the period of militancy.  Few of those who
would call themselves militants or reformers have been shown effective and new
models of "democratic conduct".  Other than that which was being bred by
Jarnail Singh (Bhindranwale) and his generation's culture, there hasn't been
much illustration of selflessness and "self-discipline".

In the West I have met several Western-educated Sikhs who are tamed by the
European peoples not to think like political or social activists.  When placed
with you chaps who have come from the Homeland and have lived in the "trenches", they simply have a more difficult time swallowing the idea of taking up arms or even taking a strongly-worded confrontational approach. Unfortunately, then, these Western Sikhs who have learnt how to create and live in a "democratic social system" are often rejected in the REFORM MOVEMENT--largely as they don't seem to possess obvious physical and intellectual courage to fight the corruptive Indian social disease and systems.

"INTROSPECTION" means examining what has gone wrong, then righting misdeeds and misactions.  All secularism and democracy is founded on equal contribution by men and women, since "accountability" is necessary.

I tend to agree that youth world-wide don't like to think as much before acting.  Moreover, they are less patient than their elders.  But we have seen that the elder generation have nearly bankrupted the Sikhs through buying into Hindustan and its obvious anti-Sikh way of life.  It is taking many Sikhs in the West generations to change bad patterns of social pratise.  Alcoholism is still quite rampant as is chauvanism and corruption.  Believe me, my movements amongst diplomatic circles and government departments over these years have highlighted these observations.

At a time when many Western nations are being troubled by more poor leadership
and corrupt governments, those ethnic minority nations and peoples who are
screaming "ethnic genocide" must show majority ethnic nations and nation states that they have something to offer humanity that will improve our lot. Examples, good examples of democratic conduct must be at the forefront, otherwise calls for Sikh nationhood and fair treatment will go continue to go unheeded or addressed.

Didar Singh Bains may be requisitioned to help fund a Sikh Nation Peace Corps
that brings more Westernised Sikhs to the homeland to help rebuild the Sikh
Homeland.  This will ultimately help Sikh social systems world-wide, since most of you are daily influenced by your extended family relationships. Historically, these family relationships have prevented you from changing or improving upon your traditions, harmful traditions that have almost led to your destruction as a people.

I think it is indeed a good idea to constantly press Didar and the others to be clear on their plans to reform the Sikh social, cultural and religious systems.  Moreover, since the Stockton Gurdwara is your oldest American Gurdwara, why is it not a model centre of a Sikh museum.  A Holocaust museum is necessary in addition to these noble efforts in the Internet.  Why not establish such a museum there in California and have Bains help (only partially fund).  He can still do positive things for your community without making a mess politically or publically of your ultimate plans to bring about Khalistan?  Why not direct your interviews towards these directions, since we all know that Didar Bains has never been a true democrat who would know how to run a democratic Khalistan?

I am around and shall periodically examine your web site.  I cannot afford to be of much help to your community other than offer advice periodically.  I too have been severely financially wounded by the Khalistan reform movement.  I am
re-establishing myself at the moment, a process that may take still another couple years at my age as a westerner.

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa  Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

Cheers for now,
Fred H. Haering
Former Spokesperson
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar)

PS I too hope the older generation will simply fade away soon and allow the younger generation to lead with a new approach.  But I must reiterate that a new generation cannot continue to be overly critical without an equal degree of energy devoted to constructive plans and ACTION.  This web-site is a wonderful contribution in the latter accord.